Amateur Wine Show
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Amateur Wine Show

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Co-Chairs:Dwayne & Marianne Smith, (615) 509-2428,


Best of Show - $12

1st - $12 • 2nd - $10 • 3rd - $5

Premiums will be paid and exhibits removed on Sunday, August 25, 2024, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Entries must be entered between 4:00-7:00 PM on Friday, August 9, 2024.


  1. This is an amateur contest open to residents of Tennessee. No entrant shall be involved in any way with commercial winemaking or use the facilities of commercial wineries, other than obtaining grapes, juice, or concentrates.
  2. Each entry must be submitted in either 2 - 350 ml, 2 - 500 ml or 1 - 750 ml bottles with corks.
  3. “Dry” is defined as not more than 2% residual sugar.
  4. Entries will be judged in a blind testing Saturday, August 10
LOT 1. Dry White Grape Wine
LOT 2. Sweet White Grape Wine
LOT 3. Dry Red Grape Wine
LOT 4. Sweet Red Grape Wine
LOT 5. Muscadine Wine
LOT 6. Berry Wine
LOT 7. Berry Plus Other Fruit
LOT 8. Other Fruit Wine
LOT 9. Non-Fruit Wine
LOT 10. Blush
LOT 11. Dessert Wine
LOT 12. Best of Show
(1st place entries in Lots 1-10 will be judged.)
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